This book contains reprints of Justo's weekly articles as they originally appeared in Wired magazine from 2006-2013. The articles began out of curiosity about what was in certain foods and products that are commonly used. Some of the things won't surprise or gross you out, but knowing some of the things may make you think twice.
It is light reading in the sense that you wouldn't just sit down and read the book from cover to cover in one or two sittings, but rather thumb through and read a few pages at a time. It can make for interesting conversation as you're sitting around with friends enjoying drinks before dinner. "Hey! Did you know that Vita Coco coconut water that you are drinking contains Gibberellins?" Or maybe during dessert when you inform everyone that the Cool Whip they just dolloped on their piece of pie contains sex grease!
The book really makes you stop to think about how many corporations and companies are not very forthcoming with information when it comes to ingredients and production of their product. And these are products that we eat, that touch our skin, or that we come into contact with on some level. It pays to research products and companies if you are concerned about your health and well-being!
I received this book free to review from Blogging for Books. The opinions expressed in this review are my true thoughts and feeling regarding this book. I am disclosing this information in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
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